Laban Movement Choir Project
2025 Course Dates:
April: Saturday 5th (4 hours 9 – 1), Tuesdays 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th (2 hours 7.30 – 9.30)
May: Tuesdays 6th, 13th (2 hours 7.30 – 9.30), Saturday 17th (4 hours 9 – 1), Tuesdays 20th, 27th (2 hours 7.30 – 9.30)
June: Tuesdays 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th (2 hours 7.30 – 9.30), Saturday 28th (4 hours 9 – 1)
Contact: Maggie Killingbeck
Certification Programme in Movement Analysis and Somatic Practice
LSSI’s Certificate programme is a post-graduate Somatic Practitioner and Laban/ Bartenieff Movement Analyst training delivered through a developmental and phenomenological lens. All modules are approached within somatic methodologies and perspectives, and include hands-on training for practice as a Somatic Movement Therapist/Educator. This programme meets the high standards of practice as an approved training programme of the International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association (ISMETA).
For more information and application
Laban Guild International Online Forums 2024/2023/2022
Cora Gasaparotti: new technologies and Laban’s Movement Analysis
Sunday 15 December 2024, 12 noon GMT
In the third of LGI’s online forums Cora Gasparotti will discuss her work. She uses new technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality, to work on body awareness and movement informed by Laban’s movement analysis.
Recording viewable here:
Ladders of Laban: exploring swinging scales and virtual scaffolding
Convened by the Space Harmony Hub on Friday 15th December 2023, 12 noon GMT
Recording viewable here:
The Laban Practitioners 2022 forum recording is viewable here:
Part 1 Presentations.
Part 2 Discussions.
The Art of Movement - Rudolf Laban's Unpublished Writings
Edited by Dick McCaw
This book offers new perspectives on the thinking and practice of Rudolf Laban – a pioneer of modern European dance and movement analysis. Laban’s own texts offer further elaboration of the key themes of his work – eukinetics, choreutics, community dance, pedagogy and dance notation.
Link to a Guardian article:

Available Books
The following books are available with no charge from Clare Fiddler
Labanotation – Ann Hutchinson [3rd edition 1977]
Study Guide for Elementary Labanotation – Peggy Hackney, Sarah Manno, Muriel Topaz [1977] Dance Notation Bureau Press
Elementary Reading Studies – Peggy Hackney, Sarah Manno, Muriel Topaz [1979?] Dance Notation Bureau Press
Study Guide: Intermediate Labanotation – Muriel Topaz [1972]
Study Guide: Intermediate Labanotation – Addendum Jane Marriott [1980]
Modern Dance Studies – Jane Winearls Books 1-6. She uses the method evolved by Sigurd Leeder & Kurt Jooss from the practical analysis of Laban. Each dance study uses Labanotation
Mental Health in Sport and Physical Activity Conference
Connection is central –people with lived experience of mental health need to be embedded throughout all attempts to support, individual contact and collaboration. Greater promotion of success is required. There is a need to work strategically with partners and to understand the barriers Ideally a multi-sector approach is required.
SRA Movement and Dance Division
The Movement and Dance Division of the Sport and Recreation Association working with a number of Universities have produced the following report:
Social Value of Movement and Dance
Social Value Launch Event Report by Maggie Killingbeck
MADE IN SUFFOLK - Film directed by Mel Horwood

The Laban Guild was delighted to be one of the sponsors of this film.
“Between 1982 and 1993 Scilla Dyke founded and directed what would become a sea change in the UK arts world. This film is the story of Suffolk Dance / Dance East and one woman’s lasting impact on dance.”
2019 LABAN LECTURE Given by Dr Ann Hutchinson-Guest

Classes with Viv Bridson
From October 1st to December 10th, weekly in Studio 8 from 11:00 to 12:30, usually with live music. Payment up to £10 donated to a country in need – currently Ukraine and Afghanistan.
Class is taught by Viv Bridson assisted by Amy Mauvan and Noemi Laabaid
Online and in person classes from Alexandra Baybutt
Zoom and in person classes with Jenny Frankel
Lunchtime Laban
Weekly movement and dance sessions, based on the work of Rudolf Laban, both in-person (Primrose Hill) and on Zoom. Suitable for beginners and advanced students.
Tuesdays 12.30-1.30pm. First session free. Then £5 per week on Zoom, £10 per week in person.
Zoom sessions with Anneliese Monika Koch
Vis a Vis Tanztheater
Expressive Dance and Improvisation with Elements of Modern Laban Practice
Online Mondays 6pm to 7:15pm (GMT)
“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. Albert Einstein
A virtual celebration of Life through the Art of Movement. We will dance, improvise and create, guided by the poetical expression of our internal truth, our hopes, visions and dreams. Our expressive language is rooted in the tradition of Laban based European Tanztheater Elements of Movement meditation and focused breath work will be included.
We invite all those who have joy in creative expression and are interested in the working methods of Vis a Vis Tanztheater.
Direction: Monika Koch
Contact Vis a Vis Tanztheater
Tel 0043 660 1355 (Whats App)

Five dancers illustrate ways in which virtual maps and clusters of dynamic colouring offer frameworks and tools for choreographic exploration, composition and development.
The material is based on the innovative work of Rudolf Laban, pioneer of Dance Theatre, Movement Analysis and Dance Notation.
DVD £16 per copy (incl. postage)
Contact: Anna Carlisle

Revised Warren Lamb Editions
Posture and Gesture: an Introduction to the Study of Physical Behaviour
A Framework for Understanding Movement: my Seven Creative Concepts
Beyond Dance: Laban’s Legacy of Movement Analysis
An Eye for Movement: Warren Lamb’s Career in Movement Analysis
Decision Making and Movement Analysis (DVD)
All available through Brechin Books, 6 Brechin Place, London SW6 4QA
These are also available as e-books through Kindle Publishing and Smashwords.
Laban Collection at the Brotherton Library
The John Hodgson Collection has now been catalogued and is available at
There is also a guide with descriptive text to accompany a selection of images and documents. The Laban Collection guide can be accessed at
Warren Lamb Archive
The NRCD is hoping to obtain enough funding to make the Warren Lamb Archive available to the public, and to this end has provided a link for donations on the University of Surrey’s online store
Geraldine Stephenson Archive
Now completed and available to view at the NRCD, University of Surrey, Guildford.
The archive can be viewed online at
For research enquiries or visits contact
Global Water Dances
“We connect and support a global community of choreographers and dancers to inspire action and international collaboration for water issues through the universal language of dance.”
Visit for more information.