Movement, Dance & Drama is produced bimonthly, online or in print, and is available to subscribers as part of their subscription.
Editor – Dr Clare Lidbury


Editor’s Provocation – Clare Lidbury
The Dance Drama Centenary Project – Darren Royston
SHREW: Protagonist/Antagonist in Shakespeare – Kelly Wilson
International Day of Dance – Stockholm – Sara Houston
Midsummer Dance Drama Festival, Sanquhar, Scotland 20-24 June 2024
Subscribers’ Classes

Digital copies of all magazines from 1947 to 2020 are now available via the Magazine Archive page.

For copies of articles or back copies of magazines from 2021 to date


Advertising space is available at the following rates:

Full colour A4 page – £150: half page – £80: quarter page – £45
B&W A4 page – £75: half page – £40: quarter page – £25
Classified adverts – 50 words at 20p per word
A5 flyer – £40
A4 flyer – £50
Free to Subscribers
