FURTHER LABAN STUDIES and CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT for those with a sound basic understanding of Laban analysis

These 30 or 50 hour courses have been structured so as to:
➢ increase the participants’ understanding and practice of Laban analysis
➢ be able to apply this to their own particular area of professional interest.


This is a 50 hour module over 5 week ends, designed to develop participants’ understanding, embodiment and application of Laban Analysis to their work.

The course comprises 3 major strands of study.

➢ The refinement and progression of understanding of Choreutics (Space/Harmony) and its application to dance technique and composition, through mastering a set study.
➢ The development and progression of skills through devising a series of dance training exercises based on Laban’s spatial principles.
➢ The refinement and progression of understanding of Eukinetics
(Effort/Dynamics), through its application to the composition, within a small group, of a short study.


This is a 30 hour module focusing on the application of Laban Analysis to enhance choreographic practice.

The course comprises advice and practical experience of how to:

➢ Use guided improvisation as a means of finding and developing movement material
➢ Identify movement material inherent within a chosen stimulus and translate that into dance material
➢ Use choreographic devices and compositional structures to aid the interpretation of a chosen theme.
➢ Apply Laban Analysis to the choreographic process.


This is a 30 hour module focusing on the application of Laban Analysis to working within the Community with groups with differing needs and abilities.

The course comprises further Laban studies and their application to choreography/dance making with specific groups. It will include contributions from experienced practitioners working in the local community.

This will include:

➢ The progression of understanding and embodiment of Laban analysis.
➢ Working with children, older dancers and dancers with special needs.
➢ Working in the local environment, with advice on setting up classes etc.

Further modules, such as the application of Laban Analysis to Drama or Movement Therapy, could be structured on demand.